Justices Indira Banerjee, KM Joseph and Vineet Saran sworn in as Supreme Court judges

Speed News Desk 7 August 2018, 10:58 IST

Justices KM Joseph, Indira Banerjee and Vineet Saran sworn in as Supreme Court judges

Justices KM Joseph, Indira Banerjee and Vineet Saran has vowed in as Supreme Court judges, claims reports. The Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra administered the oath to the three new judges.

Justice Indira Banerjee takes oath first out of 3 judges elevated as Supreme Court judge. Justices Vineet Saran and KM Joseph follow. Supreme Court goes by the seniority criteria fixed by Centre. Strength of sitting judges of the Supreme Court increases to 25, still short of six out of total strength of 31.

On Monday, a group of judges who are upset about what they believe is the government's attempt to alter the seniority of Justice KM Joseph, met Chief Justice Misra.

After the much back-and-forth in the past eight months, Justice Joseph's elevation to the Supreme Court has been cleared. As per reports, several Supreme Court judges say the Centre order is unfair since Justice Joseph's name was recommended long before those of Justices Indira Banerjee and Vineet Sharan. They accuse the government of "blatant interference and pettiness" for being forced to accept Justice Joseph's name after its objections were overruled by the judges' panel.

Howevere, refuting the charge, government sources said Justice Joseph was appointed high court judge in October 2004, more than two years after Justice Indira Banerjee and Justice Vineet Sharan  who were appointed in February 2002.


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