Justice Loya case: Supreme court website crashes after announcing the judgement; displays 'site under maintenance'

Speed News Desk 19 April 2018, 14:38 IST

Justice Loya case: Supreme court website crashes after announcing the judgement; displays 'site under maintenance'

The Supreme Court of India has announced the verdict on justice BH Loya’s death case today. SC has dismissed the plea for SIT probe into the matter. The minutes after the announcement of the decision, the website of apex court gets crashed on 19 April, i.e. today.

As per the reports of News18, the official website of SC, supremecourtofindia.nic.in, showing the image resembled with a ‘leaf’ and also said ‘hackeado por HighTech Brazil HacTeam’ on the top of the website. As per the reports, the site is currently under the maintenance.

Let’s have a look what message it is displaying:



As per the reports, the Brazilian hackers are considering as a suspect in this site crash.

The hacking news came after the Ministry of Defence website got hacked. However, several reports also claimed that the website was hacked by Chinese hackers. This is proved when the message which is displaying on the official website is in Chinese characters which translates to ‘Zen’.

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Also read: Judge Loya case Updates: SC announces verdict; no SIT probe