JNUSU disrupt the screening of the film 'In the name of love' on 'love jihad' in the name of love triggers right and left clash in the JNU

Speed News Desk 28 April 2018, 10:30 IST

JNU disrupt the screening of the film 'In the name of love' on 'love jihad' in the name of love triggers right and left clash in the University

The Jawaharlal Nehru University Students University Students Union controlled by left disrupted the screening of a film critical of inter-faith marriages in Kerala on Friday. The screening of the film, titled 'In the name of love - melancholy of God's own country', was screened by Hindutva debate forum Vivekananda Vichar Manch of JNU and Global Indian Foundation, inside the campus.

According to the organisers of the programme, the film, directed by Sudipto Sen, focussed on religious conversion of girls in Kerala and the issue of love jihad.

A few students were injured during the clashes between protesters and the Sangh-backed Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP). A private security guard has been hospitalized for a possible fracture after being hit by a car during the protests.

"Why is the ABVP/RSS hiding behind Vivekanand Vichar Manch? We won't let the RSS's venomous 'Love Jihad' myth be propagated," said a statement issued by the protesters.

"No more Dhanyashree will die because of their hate campaign. No more Hadiya will be imprisoned because of their hate campaign. No girl from Meerut will be forced to suffer because she loved," it said.

As per the report, around 7 pm, just before the screening of In The Name of Love, directed by Sudipto Sen, students led by JNUSU leaders, student members of the Gender Sensitisation Committee Against Sexual Harassment (GSCASH) and anti-establishment student groups raised slogans and held up placards.

"My film is not about love jihad. It is on an international conspiracy being hatched against India. It is about conversion, and how Kerala has become a hotbed of women being tricked - not by ordinary Muslims, but people being funded by foreign agencies," Sen was quoted saying to The Telegraph.
He added: "I have interviewed (CPM leader) Brinda Karat, (former chief ministers) Oommen Chandy and V.S. Achuthanandan on this. Instead of protesting, if they watch the film, then we can debate."

Meanwhile, the police said they have received complaints from both the sides over the clashes and were looking into the matter. Those who have suffered injuries will be sent for medical examination following which appropriate action will be initiated by us," a senior police officer said.

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