Jammu Kashmir Unity Foundation condemns Pakistan jihad against India

News Agencies 31 October 2017, 12:27 IST

Jammu Kashmir Unity Foundation condemns Pakistan jihad against India

Panellists at a seminar organized by Jammu and Kashmir Unity Foundation recently expressed serious concern over the Pakistan's attempts to radicalize youth in Jammu and Kashmir.

It was stressed that unless the infrastructure of indoctrination of young impressionable minds is destroyed, the young generation, particularly in Kashmir and in parts of Jammu, will become infected by the virus of Wahabi/Salafi ideology.

The seminar titled "22nd October 1947-Pakistan Invasion Not A Tribal Raid" was organized by the Jammu and Kashmir Unity Foundation to remember the first invasion of Indian territories in Jammu and Kashmir by the Pakistani Army on 22nd October 1947.

The day is observed as Black Day by the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

The deliberations of the programme started with offering of tributes to the victims of Pakistani invasion in 1947. The participants observed a two minutes silence in the memory of the civilians who lost their lives during the invasion of Jammu and Kashmir.

Ajaat Jamwal, President, Jammu and Kashmir Unity Foundation, in his address said that Pakistan uses non-state actors as part of its state policy and this started with Major General Akbar Khan, the in-charge of the Jammu and Kashmir Operation in 1947.

This has been amply admitted by Pakistan writers, he said, adding "Major (Retired) Agha Humayun Khan in his book -The 1947-48 Kashmir War- The War of Lost Opportunities -- said Major General Akbar Khan, the real hero of the 1947-48 War, A DSO of Burma and the architect of philosophy of armed insurrection by aiding non-state actors as state proxies.

His ideas of use of non-state actors as advanced in his writings were picked up much later and practised in Afghanistan, NEFA and Kashmir.

Jamwal said that Pakistan is actively engaged in radicalisation of youth of Kashmir and parts of Jammu region. During past some years Pakistan has been investing heavily in radicalization of youth, construction of Wahabi/Salafi mosques and by use of cyber space.

He said that people of Jammu and Kashmir have to thwart this conspiracy and government should also act against such mischief by Pakistan.

Yuvraj Gupta described his personal experiences in Kotli (Now in PoJK) during the fateful days of siege of Kotli by the Pakistani forces and the glorious resistance offered by the people living in POJK to prevent the areas from falling into the hands of Pakistan.

Dr. Ajay Chrungoo described the 22nd Oct 1947 attack as the operation for second partition of India and beginning of a protracted Jihad against India immediately after the Independence. He stressed that this Jihad is still on and has taken numerous lives and rendered lakhs of people refugees in their own country.

Engineer Ghulam Ali, State Secretary BJP described the 22nd Oct as a day when the State was divided and thousands of people pushed out of their native places. He said families were broken and made to live in separation and blamed Pakistan for the tragedy unleashed on the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He said Pakistan's nefarious role continues still and is now posing challenge to the entire civilized world.

Mohammad Tariq, president Jiyo Aur Jeene Do said that radicalization of youth is the primary challenge for the Nation because it is disrupting the communal amity and peace and pushing the youth towards terrorism. He blamed Pakistan for poisoning the minds on this side and urged to evolve a campaign so that Pakistan's propaganda is defeated and youth are weaned away from violence.