J-K: Army organises medical, veterinary camp in Poonch

News Agencies 29 September 2021, 9:07 IST

J-K: Army organises medical, veterinary camp in Poonch

Army organised a two-day medical and veterinary camp in the Shahpur village of Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district to provide medical assistance to locals.

Shahpur village is an extremely remote area near the Line of Control (LoC).

A team of Army and civil doctors carried out medical examinations of the people in need and helped them with treatment and medication according to their diagnosis.

Along with the medical camp, a veterinary camp was also organised for the villagers. Several animals including sheep, cows and goats, that provide a livelihood to the villagers, were checked for fitness.

The residents of the remote village thanked the Army for the initiative and also praised the arrangements that benefitted not only them but also the neighbouring villages.

Mir Mohammad, a local, informed ANI that many animals were treated and operated upon at the camp organised by the Army.

"The Army has made good arrangements. We are thankful to the Indian Army," Mohammad said.

Another local, Gulam said that such a camp has been organised after four years.

"The village is a very remote area and is near the border. Camps like these are useful for us. We are very thankful to the Army," Mohammad Ayub said.

Iqhaliq Hussain, a local, informed that the camp has been useful for over eight villages.

"Our livestock were vaccinated. The Army is always there for the villages in the remote areas."

The villagers also demanded the Army organise more such camps.


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