Indore: 39 deaths due to black fungus so far, 440 under treatment

News Agencies 29 May 2021, 19:27 IST

Indore: 39 deaths due to black fungus so far, 440 under treatment

As many as 39 deaths have been reported so far due to black fungus infection also known as Mucormycosis in Indore, informed Apoorva Tiwari, District Data Manager, Health Department on Saturday.

Meanwhile, a total of 440 patients with fungal infection are currently under treatment, she said.

"In private hospitals, 13 deaths and 32 discharged were registered while in Government Hospitals under MGM College, 26 people have died due to black fungus and 47 have recovered from the infection," Tiwari told reporters here.

According to the District Data Manager, a single patient requires five-six injections of Amphotericin B, an antifungal drug used in the treatment of black fungus infection, amounting to a total of 80 injections per patient.

"To match the demand with the supply, there is a constant correspondence with the Centre and the state governments," added Tiwari.

As per official information, 290 injections will be received by Saturday night, she said.

Ground reports suggest that a major reason for the deaths of black fungus-infected patients is the insufficiency of Amphotericin B injections.

The cases of black fungus have witnessed a surge in Indore, subsequently leading to a rise in related deaths.

As of Wednesday, Indore has 498 black fungus cases and 15 related deaths.