India needs to act against misleading Pak, say defence experts

News Agencies 19 June 2017, 16:36 IST

India needs to act against misleading Pak, say defence experts

Defence experts on 19 June 2017 said that Pakistan will continue to mislead the world and urged India to act against Islamabad.

"Pakistan continues to mislead the world. The Mastermind of the Bombay blast in 2008, Abdul Rahman Makki, in the video is enticing the youth of Kashmir. This has been going on and everyday such things are happening in Pakistan, and, I think, India has not been able to react and take concrete action against it," expert S. R. Sinho told ANI.

He added that Pakistan will continue with these kinds of gimmicks.

"I do not know what the policy makers are doing. I can't see things happening on the ground. I think India should know this is high time do something serious about it and take a notice of it," Sinho asserted.

Another defence expert Shivali Deshpande said, "A mastermind of 2008 Mumbai attacks is conducting a press conference and is asking reporters to raise the issue of Kashmir. The militants are roaming very freely in Pakistan and they give freedom to these terrorists to hold press conferences and conduct rallies. Pakistan itself is digging its own grave."

Deshpande further said this is a golden opportunity for India to cash on the situation and to go out to the world and declare Pakistan a terrorist country.

Hafiz Saeed's brother-in-law and the second in command of the designated terrorist group Jamat ud Dawah (JuD), Abdul Rahman Makki, recently hosted an Iftaar party for journalists in Faisalabad.

In a video posted on YouTube on June 17, the Mumbai terror attack mastermind can be seen urging reporters to take up and spread the cause of 'Kashmir independence'.

"We turn to you (the journalists) as you have the power of pen and media. Through your talk shows you can do a lot (for this cause). So we urge the journalists here to wield their power and the experience they have garnered in the field and join the cause of Kashmir independence," Makki is seen as saying in the video.

He was given the charge of the head of Jamaat-ud-Dawah, which in February rebranded itself under the banner of Tehreek Azadi Jammu Kashmir (TAJK), after Saeed was put under house arrest by Pakistan's Punjab government. The move came after reportedly facing pressure from Washington.

Meanwhile, the Lahore High Court today is likely to announce its verdict on a petition regarding Saeed's detention.

Saeed and his four aides challenged their house arrest, as well as the addition of their names in the Fourth Schedule of the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA), in the Lahore High Court.

They were put under house arrest on January 30 invoking Section 11EEE of Anti-Terrorism Act 1997.