Here is how Gurmeet Ram Raheem will spend 2 decades in jail

News Agencies 29 August 2017, 12:53 IST

Here is how Gurmeet Ram Raheem will spend 2 decades in jail

The self-styled godman Gurmeet Ram Rahim, who has been found guilty of raping two women, has been sentenced to 20 year jail term as punishment.

According to the media reports, Ram Raheem will not be given any special treatment in the jail and will work on the basis of daily wages. Now, he will spend his life as a 'labourer' in the jail.

There is no confirmation regarding the role he would be assigned. He may be asked to do the work of making chair and cabin or he may be assigned the work of gardener. His shift time will be 8 am- 4 pm.

According to the source, the yesterday's night of Ram Raheem was like an ordinary prisoner. He had to sleep on the floor without any bed or mattress in the cell having only two white bedsheets and two blankets.

Earlier, Gurmeet Ram Raheem got a prisoner number 1997 but now it will change to 8647 for two decades as his identity.

MSG superstar has to forget his luxurious life and have to live like a ordinary prisoner.


Also read:http://www.catchnews.com/amp/national-news/ram-raheem-verdict-court-judge-jagdeep-singh-compared-dera-chief-to-wild-beast-79193.html