Guinness Book of World Records: 20 year old solves Rubik's cube under water in Mumbai

News Agencies 19 May 2019, 10:07 IST

Guinness Book of World Records: 20 year old solves Rubik's cube under water in Mumbai

A 20-year-old Mumbai resident, Chinmay Prabhu, made it to the Guinness Book of World Records by solving the pyramid shaped Rubik's Cube under water. He achieved this feat in just one minute and forty-eight seconds.

Chinmay Prabhu had achieved the feat on December 9 last year by solving the Pyraminx sitting under water in a pool. He received the Guinness certificate on March 15 this year.

"I like cubing and swimming, so I thought of mixing the two and creating a new title. I had to ask Guinness to create a new title for underwater cubing as there was no such title on their list earlier," Mr Prabhu said.

"Initially I could hold my breath only for 30-35 seconds. Gradually the breath holding capacity increased to one and a half minutes," Mr Prabhu said while talking about his journey since the last five years.

The Guinness Book of World Records had set Mr Prabhu a target of four Pyraminxes, but he went on to solve nine. "I thought if I scored only four or five, somebody will break the record someday. So I took it to nine Pyraminxes," says Mr Prabhu, who underwent rigorous five-month training to achieve his goal.

In 2017 he made it to the Limca Book of Records by completing another unique feat of solving a mirror cube using his feet.

Having made a name in cubing, Mr Prabhu has now started coaching others. "I teach cubing to many others during the weekend. My youngest student is just 4," he said.

Speaking about his son's achievements, Mr Prabhu's father Pradeep Prabhu said, "We had never thought that he will go this far. When he started cubing we encouraged him as it interested him. But we never thought it will go on to be this big."