Google denies job offer to 16-yr-old Chandigarh boy, says 'have no records'

Speed News Desk 1 August 2017, 18:58 IST

Google denies job offer to 16-yr-old Chandigarh boy, says 'have no records'

In what may come out to be a turning point for 16-yr-old Chandigarh boy's life, the internet giant Google on 1st August has denied offering job to the boy saying “we don’t have any information on our records about boy”.

According to The Indian Express report,American multinational technology company said, “Currently, we don’t have any information on our records with respect to Harshit Sharma’s candidacy”.

Earlier today, there were reports making rounds on internet that Google has offered 1.4 crore to a Chandigarh boy named Harshit Sharma for icon designing. Harshit, a student of Class-XII of Government Model Senior Secondary School, is just 16 yr old.

The offer by the search engine was disclosed by the government official of Chandigarh. Google has offered the 16-yr-old to be a part of its team as a graphic designer.

For a year Google will give him advance training in graphic designer and will pay him Rs 4 lakh per month as stipend. After the completion of his one-year training, he will be enrolled as a regular employee and receive a salary of Rs 12 lakhs per month.

While talking to media Sharma said, “I was hunting for the job as a graphic designer online. I came across the opening with google. I had to go through an online interview.”

He further said, he was interested in graphic designing since the age of 10. Last year he had designed a poster that was selected by Google.

“I can’t share my happiness, it’s like a dream has come true,” Harshit further added.

Harshit has also received an award of Rs 7,000 under the Digital India Scheme.