Defence experts hail Sushma Swaraj's UNGA speech

News Agencies 24 September 2017, 8:49 IST

Defence experts hail Sushma Swaraj's UNGA speech

Defence expert Major General (retired) P.K. Sehgal on Sunday appreciated External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj's speech at United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, saying that she has enhanced India's image before the world community.

Commenting on Swaraj's speech which she delivered yesterday at the 72nd session of the UNGA in a reply to Pakistan, Sehgal told ANI, "In crystal clear style of her own with superb delivery, she ridiculed Pakistan in a manner that has never been done before."

"She has said that we have taken care of many things like poverty, growth, we have got IITs, IIMs, and we have excelled in space, Pakistan is only excelling in progressing terrorism," he added.

The defence expert also hailed Sushma's global approach to bring out India's climate change efforts.

"She cleared that it is the time we start reversing the mother earth. She reflected India's attitude towards the environment and showed that we not only respect human being but also plants and animals. Indirectly she also raised fingers towards America who walked out of the Paris Climate Agreement," he said.

The External Affairs Minister had urged the developed nations to take part in the climate change process more actively and help others through technology transfer and Green Climate Financing.

Referring about the recent natural disasters that took place across the globe, Sushma said that more serious action is required than talks on the issue of climate change.

Defence expert Qamar Agha also admired the External Affairs Minister's speech.

He said, "It was a befitting reply to what Pakistan's Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi has said. Pakistan is the epicentre of militancy and terrorism."

Earlier, Sushma ripped apart Pakistan, stating that "India has risen despite being the principal destination of Pakistan's nefarious export of terrorism."

"There have been many governments under many parties during 70 years of Indian freedom, for we have been a sustained democracy. Every government has done its bit for India's development. We have marched ahead consistently without pause, in education, health and across the range of human welfare. We established scientific and technical institutions which are the pride of the world," she said.

She also questioned as to what has Pakistan offered to the world and to its own people apart from terrorism?

In a stinging response to Pakistan at the UNGA, she said India is completely engaged in fighting poverty whereas as Islamabad seems engaged in fighting New Delhi.

Sushma also hit out at Pakistan's Prime Minister Shahid Khakan Abbasi, saying that that the latter wasted too much of his speech in making accusations against India.