China wanted to push the ban on Masood Azhar after 15 May but US prevailed

Speed News Desk 2 May 2019, 16:02 IST

China wanted to push the ban on Masood Azhar after 15 May but US prevailed

Since the UN has listed terrorist Masood Azhar as Global terrorist, the Indian government is celebrating it like a success to them. Indian was trying to ban Masood Azhar since last three years but every time China came like a road breaker. According to some media reports, this time also China tried to block India but the US was not in favour of it.

According to UN and US media reports, China was ready to take back its veto power on Masood Azhar but they were not ready to announce the ban when the General election is going in India. That means China was planning to not ban Masood Azhar so that it can't go in favour of the ruling government.

According to the media reports, China was in favour that the ban should be announced after 15th May but as America prevailed China lost the chance. Actually, China didn't want to go with any date but as the US was not in favour, so the deadline was announced for 30th April. When it was asked if the issue will get resolved till Wednesday? On this China's foreign minister said that I can only say that the issue will be resolved with an appropriate way.

China also made Russia and Britain to support them but France was just wanted to push for a week only. Whether Britain has not stand in the matter and even China was ready to write a letter to United Nations Sectraite but the US was totally disagreed to it.