Celebrated IIT professor HC Verma retires, social media reacts

News Agencies 2 July 2017, 8:36 IST

Celebrated IIT professor HC Verma retires, social media reacts

H.C. Verma, the one name that survived Science students in their toughest times (read: studying Physics), has announced his retirement after a 38-year-long career.

Dr H.C. Verma, who joined IIT Kanpur as an assistant professor in 1994, took to Twitter to announce his retirement to the world.

"Finally locked my IITK lab and submitted the keys to the office. End of 38 years of formal teaching and research," he tweeted.

At IIT Kanpur, he, apart from authoring books on 'Quantum Physics,' taught several courses and guided doctorate students, besides doing some commendable research in Nuclear Physics. The two-volume book "Concepts of Physics" remains to be Dr. Verma's most celebrated work till date.

Soon after Dr. Verma announced his retirement, his students at the Institute and the nation across, took to Twitter to show grief and gratitude, at the same time, to the physicist.

One Twitter user wrote, "No One, Not Even Newton Or Einstein, could have solved all HC Verma problems in one go!" while another tweeted, "End of an era. still, remember 'concept of physics'. the hallmark of clarity, simplicity and enormous power #HCVerma"

Satish Bharadwaj, IGP PAC Central Zone Lucknow, Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science, also tweeted, "You will be remembered and missed by many. Physics could not be explained better than the way you taught."