Bhima-Koregaon Gram Panchayat denies existence of casteism in region

News Agencies 5 January 2018, 14:37 IST

Bhima-Koregaon Gram Panchayat denies existence of casteism in region

Days after Maharashtra witnessed massive protests and outrage following the death of a youth in Bhima-Koregaon violence, a member of the Bhima-Koregaon Gram Panchayat, said that there is no conflict on the basis of caste in the village and people live peacefully there.

While addressing the media here, the member of the Bhima-Koregaon Gram Panchayat said that they would not get involved in any kind of violence and inflict atrocities, which could harm their own people.

"We will not burn our own houses and cars; inflict atrocities on our mothers and sisters. There is no caste problem here in the village. There are Muslims, Dalits, Marathas and we all live here together peacefully," she said.

Earlier on January 1, a youth was killed in clashes between two groups during an event to mark 200 years of Bhima-Koregaon battle near Pune.

The incident prompted Dalit community to hit the streets in Maharashtra and many other states.

A total of 16 FIRs was registered by the Mumbai Police, relating to statewide bandh that was called on January 3 by the Dalit groups against the Bhima-Koregaon violence.

The Battle of Koregaon was fought on January 1, 1818 between the British East India Company and the Peshwa faction of the Maratha Confederacy, at Koregaon Bhima.

The Marathas ultimately withdrew, fearing the arrival of a larger British force.

The Company troops of Indian origin included predominantly Mahar Dalit soldiers belonging to the Bombay Native Infantry, and therefore the dalit activists regard the battle as a heroic episode in their history.