Amit Shah Slams Rahul Gandhi: With his midas touch, no deal is too much

News Agencies 4 May 2019, 12:33 IST

Amit Shah Slams Rahul Gandhi: With his midas touch, no deal is too much

BJP national president Amit Shah on Saturday slammed Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Twitter after a news report alleged that the Gandhi scion's former business partner Ulrik McKnight got defence offset contracts during the UPA regime.

"With Rahul Gandhi's Midas Touch, no deal is too much! When he has a say, his business partners make hay. Doesn't matter if India suffers on the way! #StealLikeRaga," tweeted Shah.

According to the report, McKnight was the 35 per cent owner of Backops UK, in which Gandhi owned a 65 per cent equity between 2003 and 2009 before the firm was wound up.

McKnight was later director in a company that acquired offset contracts from French defence supplier Naval Group against Scorpene submarines in 2011, the report stated.

This news came to light just days after Ministry of Home Affairs issued a notice to the Congress president over his citizenship after receiving a complaint from Rajya Sabha MP Subramanian Swamy.

"Ministry has received a representation from MP Dr Subramanian Swamy in which it has been brought out that a Company named Backops Limited was registered in the United Kingdom in the year 2003 and that you were one of the Directors and Secretary of the said Company," the notice read.

The company in question was Backops Limited. A firm called Backops Services Private Limited was opened in India with Priyanka and Rahul as directors in 2002. In 2003, a firm called Backops Limited was incorporated in the UK by Rahul Gandhi and one Ulrik McKnight. Gandhi had a 65 per cent stake while McKnight had 35 per cent.