Al-Qaeda operative Zakir Musa slams Indian Muslims for not joining jihad

Speed News Desk 6 June 2017, 10:45 IST

Al-Qaeda operative Zakir Musa slams Indian Muslims for not joining jihad

Former Hizbul Mujahideen commander Zakir Musa has released an audio recording on 6 June and slammed Muslims from India Muslims for not joining Islamic jihad for 'Ghazwa-e-Hind'.

This is Musa's first message as an al-Qaeda operative.

According to media reports, it has been confirmed by two senior Jammu and Kashmir police officers confirmed that the audio contained Musa's voice.

Musa, in his audio message, declared that "it's a war between Islam and the infidel". The message has been widely shared on WhatsApp groups.

"They are the most shameless Muslims in the world. They should be ashamed of calling themselves Muslims. Our sisters are getting abused and dishonoured and Indian Muslims keep screaming that 'Islam is peace'."

"They (Indian Muslims) are the most 'beghairat qaum' (shameless community) who cannot speak up against oppression and injustice. Is this what our Prophet and his 'salafs' (followers) have taught us? They gave their blood during the wars and martyrdom for the honour of our sisters," Musa said.

He added, "You still have a chance to stand up and join us. Come forward or it will be too late for you."

Musa spoke in Kashmiri-accented Urdu in the audio clip.