110 Chinese travel 3800 km to reach Bodh Gaya, know why

News Agencies 21 November 2017, 11:13 IST

110 Chinese travel 3800 km to reach Bodh Gaya, know why

A group of 110 Chinese travelled for 3800 kilometre to reach Bihar's Bodh Gaya to reminisce the visit of Chinese traveller Xuanzang to India and strengthen the friendly relations between the two countries.

There were 110 women and men were more than 65-years-old. The trip started from China's Ziyang city. Head Monk of Bodh Gaya China Temple, who was leading this trip, said after travelling for 3800 km, the group reached its destination.

Travelling across Cambodia and Vietnam they finally landed in Kolkata and from there they continued their journey for Bodh Gaya. The Monk said they travelled with the flags representing both China and India to portray a brotherly and harmonious relation.

Meanwhile, Chaya, who was leading the group of women, said after reaching Bodh Gaya it felt like home.