Cold Moon: Last and highest full moon of 2020, all you need to know

Speed News Desk 29 December 2020, 16:05 IST

Cold Moon: Last and highest full moon of 2020, all you need to know

The last and the highest full moon of the year, will be seen on 29th December. The 13th full moon of 2020, this will also be the last celestial event of this year.

The Cold Moon comes after the celestial event of Christmas Star or the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. The sky sees Jupiter and Saturn in a rare double planet alignment.

All you need to know:

1) This will be the highest full moon in the entire Gregorian year. It will be visible on two different days.

2) As per ‘The Old Farmer’s Almanac’, the peak illumination of the full moon is supposed to take place at 7.54pm IST on December 29 and at 8.57pm IST on December 30.

3) - “This particular Cold Moon will rise accompanied by Mars, which will be high in the southern skies just after sunset, as well as Jupiter and Saturn...” according to space.com.

4) - The Cold Moon also called the ‘Long Night Moon’ as it occurs on one of the longest nights of the year, around the winter solstice.

5) - For the next three days following this celestial event, the moon will appear to be full-blown.