Bride and groom get into intense fight on wedding mandap [Watch]

Speed News Desk 10 August 2022, 15:45 IST

Bride and groom get into intense fight on wedding mandap [Watch]

Wedding traditions around the world are different than one another. Now, a video of one such tradition has taken the internet by storm. The video shows how a bride and groom got involved in an intense but playful fight during their wedding.

The footage opens to show the bride and groom sitting at the mandap dressed in traditional wedding attire. Moments later, as the couple started the ritual of feeding one another, they ended up physically pushing and pulling each other.

Here's the video:


Towards the end of the video, the groom is seen smiling as the wife forcefully tries to feed him first. People present at the wedding are also seen trying to stop the couple from getting into a full-blown fist fight.

On social media, the video has collected over 70,000 likes. The video has pulled mixed reactions from viewers.

While one user wrote, "What on earth is happening here?" Another explained, "This is a tradition - more like a competition between bride and the groom on who feeds the other person in the fastest way," adding, "But they took it too far".

A third user in a flippant manner said, "They could have at least waited till they got back to the hotel to tumble around in front of family and friends," while a fourth added, "Well, that's one way to start a lifelong commitment".

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