When on road with group, have the rules

News Agencies 12 August 2017, 16:37 IST

When on road with group, have the rules

Travel can be one of the most rewarding forms of introspection.To travel is to take a journey into yourself, but it takes a different dimension when with friends.

And just to avoid rotten, grumpy faces of your friends on a holiday, there are few unwritten rules to follow.

Every friend group is different, with its own nuances, but if you stick to the follow seven rules - you'll likely survive your trip without flouncing from your group WhatsApp in a huff.

Identify "the bossy one" early on

There is always one creature in the group who likes to have things his/her way.but only refer to them as "the organised one", for obvious reasons. The quicker you recognise which of you this is (if you haven't figured it out by day two, it's probably you), the easier yours and everyone else's lives on the holiday will be. They should be fairly easy to spot i.e. at the airport when everyone else is pondering over their sandwich, they'll be frantically calculating which queue is moving quickest whilst furiously sipping on an espresso they somehow smuggled through security.

Find a bonus bathroom

Its better to be safe when loo comes calling.Unless your AirBnb is a bonafide palace, chances are you'll be sharing a bathroom. Typically, this shouldn't be too much of a burden. Its always good to have another close by .If you're in an apartment block there'll probably be a communal one on the ground floor, but if not, befriend a cheerful barista at your nearest cafe and kindly ask if you can use

Be thrifty, not thieve-y

Your bonus bathroom will also come in handy when you run out of toilet roll. But leave the plush soaps and hand lotions, everyone has to draw the line somewhere.

Carry small change

They rattle in the pockets but are of real help.If your group isn't organised enough to create a kitty (though it'll probably the best decision you'll make all holiday), make sure you always have coins and notes to hand so that when it comes to everyone paying their bit for a meal/food shop/gelato pit stop, you're not all waving fifties around each other's faces.

Leave your gluten-free avo toast at the airport

Travel light with no diet. Unless you have a genuine intolerance or dietary restriction, accept that whatever dairy-free, toxin-free unicorn diet you've been diligently following at home won't make it past customs . Communal travelling means communal food shopping. While it might be socially acceptable to slip a tin of tuna into the trolley (because you "just can't stomach cured meats"), it's best to leave your favourite pretentiously priced nut-free, sugar-free granola in the freeform aisle.

Treat yo'self

Dont heal the world ,heal yourself. Just because you're on a group trip, doesn't mean you have to spend every minute of every hour surrounded by other people. You're on holiday, take the opportunity to indulge in some "me" time. Take a slow meander into town one morning, order yourself a double espresso and sit back and watch the world go by.

If in doubt, get the rose out

Look through the bunch of roses.. Because when you gaze upon one another with rose tinted glasses, the world instantly becomes a far better place. Plus, it's always 5pm somewhere when you're on holiday.

PS: Leave the selfie stick at home, this is non-negotiable.