October 3: Know your horoscope for the day
October 3: Know your horoscope for the day
1- Aries
No matter what it is you want out of life you must never compromise your ideals or your values.
2- Taurus
Loved ones will happily follow your lead, so be confident and show them the way.
3- Gemini
Some individuals may not appreciate your loud and assertive manner but you can afford to ignore them because the people who matter will be impressed by your go-getting attitude.
4- Cancer
Emotions are powerful things and today’s eclipse is sure to bring at least some of them to the fore.
5- Leo
Identify your number one ambition and focus on it to the exclusion of everything else.
6- Virgo
The less others know about what you are up to the more successful you will be.
7- Libra
New friendships can easily be made now, so long as you keep an open mind.
8- Scorpio
If you stand your ground and refuse to compromise they will be the ones who blink first. Act tough and you will win big.
9- Sagittarius
Do something out of the ordinary today, something your rivals won’t forget in a hurry.
10- Capricorn
Sometimes you have to be ruthless, both with yourself and with other people, and the current cosmic climate will make it easier for you to make the kind of decisions.
11- Aquarius
You won’t be able to do it alone though. Join forces with people who share your needs and desires.
12- Pisces
You will get the chance to move up on the work front this week and you must seize it before it is gone again.