October 21: Know your horoscope for the day

Speed News Desk 21 October 2017, 8:46 IST

October 21: Know your horoscope for the day


Today, you will feel very connected with your partner that might leave to a beautiful evening. Hear your intuition, because your intuition may lead you to wonderful things. People around you will make you feel extra special. You can easily touch anyone's emotions today because it's your lucky day.


You are in the extra cheerful mood today, tonight you should get in touch with your nearer and dearer and plan a dinner tonight. If you are in dilemma and confused about something, try communicating it with your partner or this might lead you to a new drama in your life.


You should meditate today and make peace with your mind. You should solve your issues before they become too big for you to resolve. Take a day off and think about what you want to do in your life. You might feel good after talking with someone over a topic that is bothering you. Get some alone time for yourself and take a long walk in nature.


You are at the peak of your career, your creativity is coming from a natural source today, you use it wisely and in your favour. You may feel that you need to drop some work and then start with a new thought and new inspiration. Get some time off from your busy schedule and spend some alone time with your imagination.


You need to be extra-careful with your friends today as there might be someone who is just trying to be your friend because it seems that the person does not have the good intention towards you. He can be obsessed with you and try to extract yourself from them gently.


You might feel as if you are at the top of the world but still you need to take a moment and think about your decision. Because there is nothing wrong in losing a battle to win the war. You might feel as if your mind is not focused enough as you might see yourself getting lost in daydreams. But don't worry you are going in right direction.


You might meet an old friend at a new place, take a cup of coffee and enjoy your moments with your old friend. Because it might leave you to a new place. And if you did not meet any of your friends till evening, then pick your phone and make a call to your oldest friend. Because after talking to them you will find yourself getting hopeful again.


If you like someone and feel lucky to have them in your life then you need to tell them. Because they need to know that you care for them deeply. Try to get some alone time for your personal relationship along with your professional obligation. Make your personal life your first priority and don't avoid important matter related to your loved ones.


Your intention is pure but still you might hurt someone with your word at your work. Today you might be able to become someone's inspiration. But you need to be extra-careful because there might be someone who is saying something but thinking something entirely different.


It's possible that you might feel obliged and tired with your own thinking. But you don't need to feel disturbed about it because it's entirely normal to feel this way. If you are a creative person then pick a paint brush and express your thought and if you are a writer then write down your opinion about whatever is bothering you.


It's a sunny sunny day, so if you are upset with something or someone they won't be because they might not be worth it and there is something better waiting for you at the end of the day. So get out of your bed and take a nice walk with your dog.


Resist the urge to slap someone because there is a chance that they don't deserve your hatred today. You may feel low but by the end of day, you will feel good. Try to mediate yourself because you may feel peaceful after this.