Know your horoscope for the day

Speed News Desk 8 August 2017, 9:03 IST

Know your horoscope for the day

1. Aries

Today doesn't seem to be a favourable day for work and business activities. Today, however, you won't want to be around other people, and you certainly won't want to work with anyone. Be careful about your expenses today.

2. Taurus

Your travel plans may get postponed. Your lover/spouse will be caring today. It is a good day for romance but this should not be at the cost of neglecting your work that needs to be attended to immediately.

3. Gemini

Creative people will gain recognition. Important decisions may get delayed so think well before you make decisions.

4. Cancer

Unexpected travel is on cards. Be careful about people who might ask for money and not return back. Avoid being assertive or aggressive for it will complicate issues and hamper your progress as things will get out of control.

5. Leo

Your contacts will develop and you might receive some new opportunities for future. Try to spend more time with your children at home.

6. Virgo

Life at job will be smooth and favourable. Use your creative side as it will be of great help today.

7. Libra

You will achieve success on account of your perfection today. If you have a problem discuss it with others for they may help you to overcome it amicably.

8. Scorpio

You will receive some important agreements at work today. The early hours of the day will bring some good news. Meeting important people will bring good results.

9. Sagittarius

Avoid being lazy today since it is important to finish jobs which need immediate attention. Take care of your expenses. Hectic but a beneficial day.


Use your high energy to accomplish important tasks. Discord at home may cause dejection but handle the situation tactfully. Few tensions may leave you irritated.

11. Aquarius

Amid all the boring work buzz, you will manage to sustain your sense of humour. You are in a gregarious mood and that explains it. This also makes you a welcome guest at any party you may wish to grace.

12. Pisces

Don't be afraid to take on new challenges. Even if you feel unsure about your abilities, embrace the chance to test them. If others think you're up to the challenge, you should give yourself the same benefit of the doubt!