How to Transport Mattress from One Place to Another

Advertorial 23 February 2018, 11:55 IST

How to Transport Mattress from One Place to Another

While moving your residence from one location to the other, it is the mattress, which offers maximum challenge. Not only its size is big, but it also carries a lot of weight and it is not so easy to take it out from the house, particularly if you have to pass through staircases while carrying it for loading. Whatever type of mattress that you may have, they are usually an expensive piece of item and hence it must be carried out in careful manner, so that it should not be damaged or spoil its appearance.

You may also not like to leave it behind or donate to someone while leaving your place. In case, you have more than two numbers of beds then your task of transporting the mattresses becomes much bigger and therefore you need to do this in a very careful and planned manner.
We have discussed with many people who are involved in transporting household items and received their comments and feedback. Some people with careful planning could transport these mattresses in very appropriate way while some people had totally messed up with the mattresses due to a number of reasons. There are two ways people have undertaken this job.

Some people thought of carrying out this job all by themselves in order to save some money. In order to choose this option, you need to do careful planning and get all the necessary items to make the transportation a great success story otherwise it may end up totally messing up with the mattresses.

While on the other hand, few people had utilized professional moving service companies and could avoid several problems and got their mattresses neatly transported to a new location.

Choosing the Do it yourself option

Many people prefer to choose this option as there is a substantial savings. People who have low budget need to choose this option and here you need to be active during the whole process of movement. This option needs following steps.

Collect all the necessary items

You need to make proper arrangement of packing the mattresses of your own and make sure that it has been done in careful manner. After that you have to remove it from your residence and carry it outside the premise. Make sure that the mattresses are properly packed within plastic bag so that it may not get any scratches or any other kind of physical damage. Use proper tape and labels for carrying them inside a van or truck. You must plan for a number of helping hands from your friends or any others so that it can be safely loaded on the truck.

Create enough space for mattress

If the truck is loaded with many other items then you need to create enough space for the mattresses within the truck so that it can be accommodated without bending any portion of the mattress. There should not be any obstacles while placing the mattress in the carrier.

Wrap securely

Make sure that the best mattresses you are planning to transport should maintain its proper shape even after reaching its destination and also during transportation. Therefore, you need to protect your mattress by either putting it inside a big bag of the size of mattress. This bag is needed so that the mattress remains protected from dust, accidental tear and dirt or any other unpredictable risks. Wrap the bag properly and thereafter tape the bag.

Label properly

If numbers of mattresses are being transported then it is necessary that they should be properly identified. Therefore, put suitable label so that you can identify, which mattress is meant for which bed etc. This will be useful while you are unloading them at the destination and you will carry the right mattress in the right room.

Carry it to load on transport

By taking help of your friends or any other people, you can lift the mattress and take it to the transport. You must avoid bending or folding the mattress. Then load it on the van so that it rests against its wall. If any mattresses need to be placed horizontally then place it accordingly.

Choosing professional mover

For choosing this option you need to find right moving company who has got all equipments and knowledge to carry such mattresses in professional manner. They also come with necessary insurance to cover any risks during the transportation.