After Sex! New Survey reveals some common things people end up doing right after making love

Speed News Desk 26 September 2018, 15:35 IST

After Sex! New Survey reveals some common things people end up doing right after making love

Most people run away just after having sex because for them it was just about getting laid. If you're in a live-in relationship, you do some talking and then go to sleep probably.

According to a recent survey, we found that 43 per cent of Indians have a fixed routine after sex and many people were found to be more practical than romantic.

Many people surprised us when they told they immediately pick up their phone and start surfing on social media after sex.

In this article, you will be able to learn a couple of things which you can do to make your relationship more stronger.



The most amazing thing that every girl would love.

Some people who actually enjoy cuddling can go for hours. Many people sometimes enjoy cuddling more than sex and also cuddled more to their routine.

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Watch Movies or Series

It would a great time pass for you in fact nearly half of Americans revealed that they turned to TV or movies after sex.

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What kind of sex people are having these days? Thirty-eight per cent people said they needed water right after sex. Now, we are we supposed to think that there is some vigorous sex happening.

Get Dressed

This normally happens when you don't plan such things. Having unplanned sex often leads to these things where you get dressed before getting exposed to anyone.

People get dressed so that they can resume their work which they were doing before having sex.

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Just Go To Sleep

Another normal scenario where people just go to sleep right after having sex.

Mostly, couples who are in their late 30's, early or late 40 normally go to sleep as they don't prefer to do anything after that.

The thought of two people both just laying where there is no touching or having any physical interaction is just so AWKWARD.

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A Deep Meaningful Conversations

A lot of people get emotional and may sound cheesy about their life or future. Such people are very less in numbers but they do exist.

These people normally talk about the meaning of life which is kind of funny.

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This one is awesome.

People with an extraordinary talent like to show their creativity and celebrate their sex by cooking some delicious meal or snack.

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It is great because post-sex, it's easy to see how some people love the idea of eating food after sex however, it actually takes so much will to cook right after having sex.

Such people were found less in numbers. It was also found that some people prefer ordering food online.

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Social Media

It was already there in our society. Many people start surfing on social media right after they finished having sex as if they were waiting for their partner to get finish so that they can have time for social media.

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People should really understand and realize how to live and explore every moment of life.

Sometimes you just have sex for sex's sake and you then you order delivery. As long as you and your partner are feeling comfortable and happy after sex, that's what counts.

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