Taliban's Resurgence and Its Impact on Afghan Women: A Deepening Crisis

Speed News Desk 6 September 2023, 10:13 IST

Taliban's Resurgence and Its Impact on Afghan Women: A Deepening Crisis


Kabul's New Reality
In the wake of the Taliban's resurgence in Afghanistan, the world has been closely watching the unfolding crisis. Since taking control on August 15, 2021, the Taliban has implemented a series of restrictive measures against Afghan women, causing widespread concern and condemnation.

De-facto Authorities Suppress Women's Roles
Over 50 decrees have been issued by the Taliban, primarily targeting Afghan women and severely restricting their rights and opportunities.

Impact on Women's Careers
Although specific figures are unavailable, many women have lost their jobs in government positions and international organizations, leaving them financially dependent and uncertain about their futures.

The Case of Beauty Salons
The restrictions imposed by the Taliban extend to almost all sectors, including beauty salons. Shockingly, approximately 60,000 Afghan women lost their jobs in this industry alone due to the ban on women working in such establishments.

Rana Sharifi's Story
Rana Sharifi, a resident of Kabul, exemplifies the plight of Afghan women affected by these harsh measures. She once had a flourishing career at a Kabul beauty salon, earning a substantial income that not only covered her basic needs but also allowed her to save for a brighter future and pursue further education.

Financial Independence Eroded
However, the work ban has completely upended Rana's life. She now relies on her family for financial support and frequently faces rejection when seeking employment opportunities. This loss of financial independence has become a harsh reality for countless Afghan women.

Global Outcry and Limited Reform
The international community, including the United Nations, has consistently condemned the Taliban's prohibition on women's employment. Unfortunately, these condemnations have yet to result in significant policy changes or reforms.

The Broader Crisis
Since the Taliban's resurgence in 2021, Afghan women have encountered a multitude of challenges. They have been denied access to education, employment, and public spaces. The Taliban has imposed strict restrictions on freedom of expression, association, assembly, and movement for women and girls.

International Calls for Change Ignored
Despite widespread international calls for women and girls to have access to education and employment, Taliban leaders have shown little willingness to engage in reform. They have even warned other nations against meddling in Afghanistan's domestic affairs.

Harsh Restrictions Continue
The Taliban's policies have prevented girls from attending secondary school, restricted the freedom of movement for women and girls, excluded women from various sectors of the workforce, and prohibited them from using parks, gyms, and public bathhouses.

As the world watches the deteriorating situation for Afghan women, the need for re-employment and equitable job opportunities remains crucial in addressing the growing issue of female unemployment in the country.

(With ANI inputs)