Mom will always be a mom: Can't be a mere spectator when the son is in trouble!

Speed News Desk 19 April 2023, 13:26 IST

Mom will always be a mom: Can't be a mere spectator when the son is in trouble!

It's a classic scene that every mom can relate to - seeing her child in trouble and feeling the urge to jump in and save the day! In this case, it was a wrestling match, and the stakes were high.

As the other player was about to "chit karna" (which, for those who don't know, roughly translates to "pin down" or "overpower" in English), the mother couldn't resist the urge to intervene. She rushed onto the mat and gave the other player a good whack on the head.

The game came to a sudden halt as the referee tried to figure out what was going on. The other player looked stunned, and the mother's son looked both embarrassed and grateful at the same time.

The other players and spectators couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.

Eventually, the referee decided to disqualify the mother's son, much to her dismay. But she didn't seem too bothered by it - after all, she had done what she felt was necessary to protect her child!

And so, another classic moment in the annals of "mom vs. wrestling match" history was born. Because when it comes down to it, no matter how old we get, moms will always be moms - and they'll always be there to protect us, even if it means breaking a few rules in the process!

It appears, the referee decided to disqualify the mother's son, much to her dismay. But she didn't seem too bothered by it - after all, she had done what she felt was necessary to protect her child!

And so, another classic moment in the annals of "mom vs. wrestling match" history was born. Because when it comes down to it, no matter how old we get, moms will always be moms - and they'll always be there to protect us, even if it means breaking a few rules in the process!