It is Greek but it makes sense! A Christmas tree full of milk cans!

Swapna Mohanty 19 December 2017, 12:07 IST


Jesus stated, giving makes both the giver and the receiver happy. In pursuit of this happiness, a group of doctors from an NGO in Athens and a landscape businessman from Taunton have been doing their bit to spread smiles and more happiness to the ongoing festivities around.

Eight years ago, a little girl who was a patient at the clinics run by the NGO "Doctors of the World" asked her doctor if Santa Claus brings milk as a present. This painful rendition by the patient revealed the agony of children living in poverty in Greece.    This harsh reality touched the doctors and they decided that at least for a day no one would be away from the basic needs of living. Every year since then, the yard of the historic building of the Athens University adorns a Christmas tree made out of milk tins, sugar, oil and other packed food cans which are donated by the Athenians and then later distributed to the needy in the festive season. 
A Christmas tree made out of milk tinWhile Doctors of the World organization is helping to feed people, Nelson Cabral, a 33-year-old landscaping businessman from Taunton, Southwest England also joined the group of Samaritans with initiating a tradition of gifting at least 15 trees to the ones who cannot afford one but obviously wish for a tree decorated with lights, bells, and Christmas goodies. He has been doing this from the past four years.   To help him increase the number of hearts he touches, he writes in his Facebook post, “ If you need a tree but are having trouble affording one contact at 774-406-1712.”
Nelson Cabra gifting Christmas trees