Five women breaking the stereotypes

Swapna Mohanty 22 January 2018, 12:50 IST

Five women breaking the stereotypes

In the male-dominated society which exists to this day in many parts of India, 112 women would be felicitated by President Ram Nath Kovind for setting a benchmark and becoming the firsts in their respective fields. Catch News has picked up a few of these trail-blazers who have caught the public attention for not only selecting different professions but also leaving an imprint.

Lady Porter

Manju Yadav

Mother of three, Manju Yadav faced a difficult time five-years-back when her husband passed away. Survival of her kids was what kept her going and she decided to take up portering, her husband's profession.

Coming from a small village in Jaipur where females are mostly confined to their homes to do the household chores, being a woman porter was a big deviation from the normal. However, overhearing the resistance and leaving behind all the social ridicule, Manju stepped out of her house and soldiered the burden of society. Although her earning is not constant and life hasn’t been so much good for her, she has become a role model in this patriarchal society.

First bartender

Shatabhi Basu

In the 80s when bar-tending as a profession was a big deal for any female, Shatabhi Basu broke the stereotype and took up the lesser taken up profession.
With no other female in this field those days, Basu had no one to follow and provide advice. However, with courage and confidence she stepped into this unusual profession and since then there was no looking back. Besides bar-tending, she has donned hats like teaching and moulding future bartenders, opening an academy, holding corporate and cocktail mixing workshops.

Crematorium Manager

Praveena Solomon

Different myths revolve around the concept of females not going to crematorium but Praveena Solomon, who hails from Chennai, dispelled all that by deciding to run the Velankadu crematorium in Chennai four years back. Accepting the fact that a woman would be taking charge of a burial ground wasn't easy she took up the challenge to face the hostilities of the local residents and society at large. An English literature graduate from the University of Madras and a mother of two her story is truly inspiring.

First woman commando trainer

Seema Rao

India's wonder woman, Seema Rao, is the first commando trainer of the Special Forces of India for over 20 years. She has been training various Indian forces and is a pioneer in close quarter combat, the art of fighting in close proximity.

First Woman Firefighter

Harshini Kanhekar

This 37-year-old woman from Nagpur, Harshini Kanhekar, is not scared of fire and likes playing with it like a pro. Kanhekar always wanted to be a savior and she dreams of a daring and fearless life saving people from fire mishaps. Although it may sound like a simple task, it isn't, as firefighting takes a lot of strength.

Taking a path never traversed by women before, she has become a role-model for women who are aspiring firefighters.