Are you trying to get over your ex? These things will help you post-breakup

Divya Hemnani 20 April 2018, 11:31 IST

Are you trying to get over your ex? These things will help you post-breakup

Most of us have faced breakups and we all know the process of getting over it is hard and spine-chilling. We always hope for making things better but we end up making it worse.

Relationships are always special and it hold an important place in you heart. Your everyday activities revolve around the same person and you wish to do most of the things with them such as going to the market, to a cafe, movies, etc. The phase after break-up is quite tough, no matter if you broke up or the other person. The healing process should start immediately, so that you face depression.

It's hard to make ourselves understand that things are over and we need to forget the person with whom we shared a close bond. It's hard to forget the person with whom to spent so much time and because of that we try to be friends again and give one more chance to the relationship. To revive the spark again, we try convincing ourselves and that makes things more difficult. The process of holding it, makes you more negative and the relationship gets more worst.

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Don't stay in touch with partner as it might affect your regular life

The more you will think about them and try to contact them it will hamper your daily life. The process of trying to get back togther will affect you in real hard way and you won't be able to focus on your things. After breakup, it's important to focus on yourself and do things which keeps you busy. You can join any pastime classes to make yourself feel better.

Stop talking immediately or you'll end up hating each other more

A lot of people try convince themselves and their partners that "let's be friends", this plan is the most catastrophic ones as you will start hating each other more. If in case you tell them that you are seeing someone else then the blame-game will start and it will be frustating for you. In this process, you only make things worst and the possibility of being friends again shrinks.  

Don't block your own to learn new things

Distract yourself so that you don't get stuck with your relationship. Its more or less like a trap, you'll find it hard to move on. To do things in a better way, you shouldn't stop learning new things. Interact with new people, learn new things and make a goal so that you don't divert again and face the same phase again.

Its never too late so pull up your socks and get over it.

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