We have part of aircraft missing so we're going to slow down: Boeing 'angel' pilot Tammie Shults tells ATC before landing half aircraft safely

Speed News Desk 18 April 2018, 14:38 IST

We have part of aircraft missing so we're going to slow down: Boeing 'angel' pilot Tammie Shults tells ATC before landing half aircraft safely

The 56-year-old fighter pilot of US Navy, Tammie Jo Shults was on board when one of the two engines on Boeing of Southwest Airlines broke apart. An explosion killed one passenger and sucked out of the aircraft and another woman while the flight was 32,000 feet midair on Tuesday. 


She immediately pulled up her shocks and used her navy skills. The former fighter pilot Tammie Jo Shults was one of the first women to fly an F-18. She made a rapid descent towards Philadelphia International Airport, this was the first flying experience she was having.


Despite the explosion and midair crisis, the former Navy fighter pilot Schults was calm enough and informed Air Traffic Control: 'So we have a part of the aircraft missing and would need ambulances on the runway'

When she was asked if the plane was on fire, she said: 'No, it's not on fire but part of it's missing. They said there is a hole and someone went out.' She even added that there were some injured passengers' and seek medical assistance.


A lot of passengers said that “God Sent His Angels” She quoted on plane blog F-16.net that she might never have become a pilot if she had not been so determined to fly from a young age.