Watch: Why rival restaurant owner urinated in Chinese hotel's bowl of soup

Speed News Desk 5 April 2018, 17:01 IST

Watch: Why rival restaurant owner urinated in Chinese hotel's bowl of soup

CCTV footage revealed that a restaurant owner in Dongbei, China urinated in the beef stock of another Dongbei restaurant next door. It might seem to be absurd but it is true!
Taking professional rivalry to yet another level, a restaurant owner has crossed limits and did this. However, he forgot that there was a CCTV capturing this ordeal.

When the owner of the restaurant where the incident took place sensed that his beef stock smelled foul, he sensed a foul play. When he checked the CCTV he saw the owner of a neighbouring restaurant taking off his pulling down his pants and urinating in the pot where the stock was stored.

Later, when the footage was seen carefully it was revealed that he not only urinated but also excreted in another pot. Police investigating the matter said that the owner was apparently jealous.

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