Wait what? Elon Musk selling perfume … 'Burnt Hair'

Speed News Desk 12 October 2022, 16:43 IST

Wait what? Elon Musk selling perfume … 'Burnt Hair'

We all know that business magnate and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk sometimes do some crazy things, but have we ever considered one of the wealthiest men on earth working as a perfume salesman?

Well, its true. Musk has recently launched his own perfume line and guess what? The fragrance product is called ‘Burnt Hair’.

The SpaceX CEO took to its Twitter to announce the launch of his perfume line, he wrote, "With a name like mine, getting into the fragrance business was inevitable - why did I even fight it for so long!?"

With changing his Twitter bio to ‘perfume salesman’, Musk informed his Twitter family that he has already sold around 10,000 bottles of ‘Burnt Hair’. According to the website of the perfume, the perfume bottle is priced at INR 8,400 (USD 100).

As for what it smells like, the website reads that the perfume has "The Essence of Repugnant Desire". "Just like leaning over a candle at the dinner table, but without all the hard work," it reads further. "Stand out in a crowd! Get noticed as you walk through the airport".

According to Musk you can this perfume using cryptocurrency also. He wrote on Twitter, "And you can pay with Doge!"