Voice of Karachi points out Pakistan 'hypocrisy' over Kashmir issue

News Agencies 27 October 2019, 10:02 IST

VoK points out Pakistan 'hypocrisy' over Kashmir issue

Highlighting Pakistan's hypocrisy, Voice of Karachi (VoK) Chairman Nadeem Nusrat has asked Pakistan to address the discrimination faced by religious minorities and non-Punjabi ethnic groups instead of crying foul over the Kashmir issue.

In a statement, Nusrat added that while the world is discussing the situation in Kashmir, it is essential to not to ignore the plight of religious minorities and non-Punjabi ethnic groups who are facing ever-growing human rights abuses in Pakistan by its Punjabi-dominated security forces.

Terming Pakistan's decision to observe October 27 as a 'Black Day' in solidarity with Kashmiri people as "sheer hypocrisy", the VoK chairman said that Pakistan claims itself to be the leader of the Muslim world but opts to keep quiet on the sufferings of Muslims in China, Yemen, Syria and Myanmar. This 'selective' demonstration of the so-called 'Muslim brotherhood' speaks volumes about the true nature of Pakistan's tall claims.

Nusrat asserted that the continued hostilities and war-like situation against India suit Pakistan's military establishment since it allows it to continue to spend a huge chunk of the country's budget on defence expenditures.

"Pakistan is concerned about India's decision to change the constitutional status of Kashmir whereas its own constitution is practically suspended, and the military is practically running all the affairs in the shadows of sham democracy. All the fundamental constitutional freedoms -assembly, speech, press and religion- are barred and human rights abuses are steadily rising," he continued.

The Mohajir leader further stated that Pakistan laments the deployment of Indian troops in Kashmir but forgets that it has deployed hundreds of thousands of military and paramilitary troops in Karachi, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to suppress the genuine demands of the people of these areas.

Nadeem Nusrat urged Pakistani authorities to pay serious attention to the comments of the acting US Assistant Secretary Alice Wells who pointed out in a recent U.S. Congressional hearing on South Asia that the terror groups operating from Pakistani soil have been playing a major role in the unrest in Kashmir valley. She also urged the Pakistani government to take firm action against these militant groups who are recruiting people in the name of jihad in Kashmir and Afghanistan.

Nadeem Nusrat said that the successive U.S. Administrations, as well as the rest of the world community, have repeatedly demanded Pakistan to eliminate terror sanctuaries from its soil, but many groups continue to enjoy visible impunity in Pakistan despite such pleas.

The Mohair leader further said that the terror financing watchdog FATF has also repeatedly warned Pakistan that it could be added to its 'blacklist ' if it fails to stop terror financing and support for terrorist groups.

Pakistani authorities should take this warning seriously as these terror groups pose the most serious threat to Pakistan's international standing, its integrity, and security. Those elements within the Pakistani establishment who are trying to shield these elements are seriously jeopardising the future of Pakistan.

Nusrat added that it is hard for Pakistan to question media censorship in Kashmir when the news media in Pakistan are barred from reporting the facts and the dissident voices are being silenced or forced to flee the country. The situation has come to a point where even the proponents of the military establishment are admitting that Pakistan has become a 'police state'.

"If Pakistan is sincere with Kashmiris, it must first stop killing its non-Punjabi citizens and suppressing their genuine demand for rights. Without putting an end to ongoing suppression of its own citizens will make Pakistan's stance on Kashmir sheer hypocrisy and political expediency," the Voice of Karachi chairman concluded.


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