US President Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani subpoenaed in impeachment inquiry

News Agencies 1 October 2019, 11:28 IST

US President Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani subpoenaed in impeachment inquiry

As a part of the House impeachment inquiry, House Democrats issued a subpoena to US President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudi Giuliani in connection with his interactions with Ukrainian officials.

On Monday, three House committees issued a subpoena to Giuliani and demanded he produces all the documents related to his contacts with Ukraine, The Biden family and related matters, reported CNN.

"Pursuant to the House of Representatives' impeachment inquiry, we are hereby transmitting a subpoena that compels you to produce the documents set forth in the accompanying schedule by October 15, 2019," the chairmen of the three committees -- Adam B. Schiff of the Intelligence Committee, Eliot L. Engel of Foreign Affairs, and Elijah E. Cummings of Oversight -- said in the letter to Giuliani .

Adding that the subpoena was being issued by the House Intelligence Committee, the letter further stated that the documents will be shared among the other two committees and the House Judiciary Committee.

These panels are investigating the matter as part of an impeachment inquiry endorsed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week.

A whistleblower complaint involving Trump's contacts with Ukraine was released publicly last week. It alleged that the US leader attempted to "solicit interference from a foreign country" in the 2020 election and labelled Giuliani as a 'central figure' in the controversy.

The complaint was filed after Trump, during a July phone call, pressed Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to investigate Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden for possible corruption, ahead of the 2020 US presidential election.

Pelosi's announcement did not go down well with Trump, who termed it a "total witch hunt" and "presidential harassment".

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