Toxic Giant hogweed plant,causing blindness and third-degree burns discovered in Virginia

Speed News Desk 19 June 2018, 15:22 IST

Toxic Giant hogweed plant,causing blindness and third-degree burns discovered in Virginia

Giant Hogweed which a part of the carrot family and causes third-degree burns was recently spotted in Virginia. The name of the plant sounds like a mythical plant in Hogwarts but in reality, it is really very dangerous.

After Michigan, New York, a researcher has discovered nearly 30 plants in Virginia Tech area. Although the plant looks very pretty and 14 feet tall, it dangerous.

According to state's Department of Environmental Conservation, the giant hogweed is dangerous, an invasive weed that has been recently spotted spreading across New York. Researchers claim that the plant can burn, scar, and even blind a person.

Causes Blindness


The plant causes skin reaction like dark blisters which is really painful within 48 hours of contact. Scars caused by the plant can last for few months to six years. In extreme case, it can cause blindness.

Relief from skin irritations


According to the health department, if someone comes in contact with the toxic plant, it should be immediately washed off with cold water and not come into contact with the sun. A person should also apply sunscreen to the affected area.

In any case, if the toxic hogweed sap comes in contact with eyes then one should rinse the eye with cold water and put on sunglasses.

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