The ice age cometh: Pictures of frozen eyelashes going viral

Swapna Mohanty 19 January 2018, 12:01 IST

The ice age cometh: Pictures of frozen eyelashes going viral

If the temperature in the place you live is dropping steadily and getting out for daily work has become a cumbersome task then you should visit the world’s coldest village, Oymyakon, a tiny hamlet in the Russia's  Yakutia, a few hundred miles from the Arctic Circle where temperature has plunged to -62 degree Celsius.

The place is named after Oymyakon River which, ironically, means “unfrozen patch of water; place, where fish spend the winter”. The village has  experienced the coldest January since 1933 when the temperature dropped to  -90 degree Celsius, giving it the title as the coldest place on earth.


Despite the arctic chill where people face daily problems including glasses freezing to people's faces and batteries losing power ,approximately 500 persons are residing here and doing their daily work diligently. They are also active on social media platforms like Instagram.

Recent pictures shared by some of the residents of Oymyakon  are going viral. From pictures of the digital thermometer as temperatures dwindled to -62 C, the thermometer breaking  down to beautiful girls with frozen eyelashes are making the Insta users crazy.


Well, this isn't the only place that is experiencing the winter chill. The East Coast residents in the United States experienced “Bomb Cyclone” recently.
This cyclone is essentially a powerful low-pressure system that rapidly intensifies. From Florida to Boston people experienced intense  cold weather. The ground was covered with a  foot of snow and downtown streets were flooded with ice-capped waters.