Shocking: A female Kangaroo dies in Chinese zoo because of massive bleeding after visitors pelt rocks to make it hop
Shocking: A female Kangaroo dies in Chinese zoo because of massive bleeding after visitors pelt rocks to make it hop
A marsupial female kangaroo died and another male marsupial injured badly in southeast China Zoo when visitors attempted to make the roos hop. From throwing objects to throwing concrete chunks, the visitors used everything when a kangaroo did not hop. This is an incident of Fuzhou Zoo in Fujian Province.
According to a surgeon, the female kangaroo was 12-year-old and died from a ruptured kidney because of hitting. Five-year-old male Kangaroo suffered minor injuries because he was forced to get up on hind legs while he was resting. Usually, the kangaroos are active for 2 hours in the morning (8 am to 10 am) and two hours in evening (3 pm to 5 pm).
Despite the fact that a female kangaroo died due to stone pelting a few tourists were found throwing huge bricks into the kangaroo enclosure again.
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