Russia: We must proceed based on current reality, says Vladimir Putin on Taliban govt recognition

News Agencies 23 December 2021, 23:33 IST

Russia: We must proceed based on current reality, says Vladimir Putin on Taliban govt recognition

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the international community must proceed from the current realities in regard to a possible recognition of the Taliban government in Afghanistan, reported Sputnik.

"As for recognition, as a whole, we must proceed from the realities, proceed from the fact that, after all, the forces that ended up at the head of Afghanistan will intend to ensure that all ethnic groups are represented in the leadership of the country," Sputnik quoted Putin as saying on Thursday during an annual end-of-year press conference.

He also said that this is the only thing in his opinion that can create conditions giving rise to hope for stabilisation in Afghanistan.

Emphasising that Russia works with all international partners to come up with a consolidated decision, Putin also said that Afghanistan requires assistance at this time.

The Russian President also said that the countries that were present on the Afghan territory for 20 years and destroyed its economy should take care of it.

Calling on the organisations to unfreeze Afghanistan's monetary holdings, Putin said that Kabul's holding in the foreign banks primarily in the US should be unfrozen in order to support the humanitarian assistance to Afghans.

He also warned that without the humanitarian assistance and unfreezing of assets, people in Afghanistan may face famine or severe consequences of that, which can spill over to the neighbouring countries.