Porn star twin sisters Alena and Sasha Parker hurl abuse at Arab women in Dubai, face jail term

Speed News Desk 26 April 2018, 17:17 IST

Porn star twin sisters Alena and Sasha Parker hurl abuse at Arab women in Dubai, face jail term

Belarus born twins Alena and Sasha Parker are facing jail in Dubai for assaulting a policewoman in an inebriated state. The duos are lawyers by profession in Britain and attained British citizenship eight years ago. They were stared in several porn movies before they started with law practice. It is said that the identical twins funded their law studies in London by working in twin-themed porn films.


This incident for which they have been accused happened in late August last year. They were on a trip to Dubai when they lashed out at a female police officer. They are accused of cursing Arab women.



During their stay in London, they starred in two raunchy porn movie.  They were seen on many A-rated DVD titled "Double the pleasure...double the fun!".  The twin also works for a Dubai law firm.

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