Pakistan Senate questions the legality of CPEC Authority

News Agencies 24 October 2020, 17:23 IST

Pakistan Senate questions the legality of CPEC Authority

Pakistan's Senate on Friday questioned the legal status of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Authority after the expiry of the extended term.

"Under which provision of the law the CPEC Authority is operating," PPP leader and former chairman of the Senate Senator Raza Rabbani asked while speaking on a call-attention notice, reported Dawn.

The CPEC Authority ordinance was promulgated last year and was extended by the National Assembly in January for 120 days on October 8, 2019. Therefore, the extended life of the ordinance came to a close in June.

The ten-member CPEC Authority was tasked to expedite projects related to the multi-billion-dollar road and rail networks that link Chinese territories to the Arabian Sea through Pakistan.

The authority was given the mandate to find new drivers of economic growth and unlock the potential of the interlinked production network and global value chains through regional and global connectivity reported Dawn.

"CPEC Authority has its own funds and bank accounts and how are these operated to pay salaries to employees and make other payments," said Senator Rabbani.

The CPEC projects in Pakistan have been mired with controversies and facing stiff resistance from Baluchistan, Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, Hunza valley creating a civil-war like situation in the country.


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