Pakistan makes a mockery of itself, Dominic Raab asserts 'our position on Kashmir well known'

Speed News Desk 3 September 2021, 15:41 IST

Pakistan makes a mockery of itself, Dominic Raab asserts 'our position on Kashmir well known'

Britain's Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab is in Pakistan to discuss the situation in Afghanistan as scores of people are crossing the border to come to Pakistan to avoid the oppression of the Taliban.

Pak obsession with Kashmir continues, lack of focus on Afghan crisis
During a press conference, Pakistan tried to raise the Kashmir issue terming it as a "humanitarian crisis". Pakistan did this with the help of a reporter who gave Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi an opportunity to somehow talk about Kashmir. The focus of the visit is the Afghanistan crisis and ways to step up efforts to provide help to stranded people, but Pakistan appears more interested in drumming up false propaganda on Kashmir

Unsubstantiated allegations by reporter
The reporter posed this question to Mahmood Qureshi: "You talked about Afghanistan, but did you talk about Kashmir? People are being tortured there. And the reporter hurled a few unsubstantiated allegations.

Quereshi indulges in false narrative against India
Mahmood Quereshi, as if just waiting for this question, said: "Yes I did talk about Kashmir and the way people are being treated there".
Quereshi continued with his false allegations but did not get any support from Dominic Raab.

Humiliation at its peak
Desperate Quereshi then tried to narrate what Mr Raab said during the discussion. Still no support from Dominic Raab. This was a strange situation where Mahmood Qureshi appeared to cross diplomatic decency. He should have let Dominic Raab respond.

Pak efforts fall flat on face, no support from Dominic
When Quereshi stopped, it was time for Dominic Raab to assert himself. Raab's statement should be a lesson for Pakistan. Raab said: Our position on Kashmir is well known. We don't tell any party how to resolve it. Both the parties should indulge in political dialogue and resolve the issue.

This was cheap tactics on Pakistan part to drag Kashmir when Afghanistan is burning and efforts are being made to help those trying to escape Afghanistan.