North Korea nuclear test: Leader Kim Jong Un suspends underground missile project ahead of US-Korean talks

Speed News Desk 21 April 2018, 11:50 IST

North Korea nuclear test: Leader Kim Jong Un suspends underground missile project ahead of US-Korean talks

On Saturday North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un announced in a state-run media channel that it will be halting nuclear missile tests. This is a major shift in the weapon program that has of late caused global tensions and escalated tension Pyongyang and North Korea.

Kim Jong Un has also announced that the underground nuclear test site of the country will be shut down to maintain transparency in suspending nuclear tests. 

He has even assured that the so-called poverty-stricken country will peacefully engage with neighbours and the international community to secure create an “optimal international environment” to build its economy.

But there was no announcement regarding the piles of missiles that he has stocked after an increased missile test last year.

Kim Jong Un with Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping

This announcement came ahead of the summit next week between North and South Korea and the US. This might be a negotiating gambit for some but this is indeed a positive sign that the rogue country is willing to talk and negotiate. 

From going to Beijing and having a meeting with the Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping to an intent on denuclearization clearly state that the leader is willing to talk.

Calling this announcement as a good news, Trump took to Twitter and wrote “This is very good news for North Korea and the World - big progress! Look forward to our Summit,” Mr Trump tweeted this morning.


South Korea leader Moon Jae-in also welcomed the decision. “North Korea’s decision is meaningful progress for the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula, which the world wishes for,” the presidential office in Seoul said in a statement.

He also said that it will create a very positive environment for the success of the upcoming inter-Korean and North-US summits.

Also Read: First Lady of North Korea: With a week left for North Korea and US summit, Kim Jong Un upgrades title of wife Ri Sol Ju