Marriage Scam: UK-Pakistani men used first night videos to blackmail 15 wives

Speed News Desk 5 May 2018, 16:25 IST

Marriage Scam: UK-Pakistani men used first night videos to blackmail 15 wives

In a shocking revelation, a lot of Pakistani girls have claimed that they married British-Pakistani nationals who blackmailed them with videos of their first wedding night.

One of the victims(Name concealed on request) spoke to Catch News and shared that she is a resident of Pakistan's Mirpur. She met the accused a few months back and decided to marry for a better life abroad. But after the first night, she had a reality check. The accused showed him a video of their first night. 


This wasn't a lone case, there were more than 15 girls who fell prey to such fraud marriage trap. 

In a press conference organised on Saturday in Kashmir Press Club in Mirpur shared that there was a British-Pakistani national known as Mumtaz who lured young girls and shoot intimate videos of their wedding nights. One of the girls also shared that men refused to take them abroad.
The main accused in this case Mumtaz married seven girls and other accused named Anzar and Muhammad married five and three respectively. Besides, he heads a drug-peddling gang.

Presently the key accused in this case is absconding.

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