Disturbing! Missouri Department of Conservation released the number of youth turkey harvested

Speed News Desk 14 April 2018, 17:29 IST

Disturbing! Missouri Department of Conservation released the number of youth turkey harvested

The young turkey hunters harvested a total number of 1,723 turkeys this year during the spring youth season, April 7-8, according to a preliminary data from Missouri Department of Conservation

The counties who harvested the turkeys in a huge number includes Franklin, harvested 51 turkeys, Miller with 43, and Maries with 43.

Last year, the numbers were huge as the total numbers of Turkeys harvested was around 4,000.

The decrease in number of harvested turkeys is because of the unseasonable cold temperature and for much of spring thus far, said Jason Isabelle, MDC’s Turkey Biologist.

He said, “Weather was the biggest contributing factor to this year’s low youth turkey season harvest. Temperatures that were well-below average probably made it difficult for young hunters to spend as much time hunting this past weekend as they would have with more seasonal temperatures.”

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Apart from the cold weather, the spring also came late this year which caused the turkeys to a little behind schedule. Also, “When turkeys are still flocked up as they are in much of the state right now, it can make for some very challenging hunting. With warmer temperatures in the forecast, hunting conditions should be much more favorable for the upcoming regular spring turkey season'" said Isabelle.

For more information on the upcoming regular spring turkey hunting season, April 16-May 6, visit the MDC website at https://bit.ly/2HnGicS.

If you are doing it for the first time, then you might get a certificate for turkey hunting from MDC. complete with a photo. Know more https://bit.ly/1TpY6Gz.

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