In photos: Final proof that Massive Attack's Robert del Naja is Banksy?

Catch Photodesk 24 June 2017, 18:45 IST

In photos: Final proof that Massive Attack's Robert del Naja is Banksy?

For almost three decades now, the world has been treated to amazing street art, courtesy of an unknown England-based artist. Signed Banksy, his works are now the stuff of legend, instantly recognisable and highly prized. However, just who Banksy is has been a mystery that no one has quite been able to answer.

Until recently.

With Banksy's brand only gaining popularity, the quest to unmask his true identity has ramped up in recent years. Now, it seems, his identity is now almost certain – Massive Attack lead singer Robert Del Naja.


An investigation by a British journalist last year, concluded that Del Naja was leading a collective of street artists, all operating under the identity of Banksy. While Del Naja himself has laughed off these claims, there are some inescapable coincidences, such as Banksy artwork popping up in places Massive Attack had recently performed.


But the latest 'proof', which has got fans of both Banksy and Massive Attack stirred up, is an interview by a friend of Del Naja, who apparently let slip that Del Naja and Banksy were one and the same. Appearing on British radio, Goldie, a musician and DJ, said, “Give me a bubble letter and put it on a T-shirt and write Banksy on it and we're sorted. We can sell it now... No disrespect to Robert, I think he is a brilliant artist. I think he has flipped the world of art over.” Realising his apparent faux pas, Goldie quickly changed the subject.

Del Naja has all the credentials to be Banksy too, operating under the name 3D, Del Naja has long been an accomplished artist, with a strong focus on concept art and street art. Here's some of Del Naja's work, juxtaposed with that of Banksy's. So what do you think, is the mystery finally over?
