Elon Musk retaliates, threatens advertisers backing out from Twitter

Speed News Desk 5 November 2022, 9:04 IST

Elon Musk retaliates, threatens advertisers backing out from Twitter

 Washington: Tesla CEO Elon Musk has threatened to name-shame the advertisers who are backing out from Twitter after the micro-blogging site announced mass layoffs.

Name & shame may begin: Elon Musk
While replying to a user on Twitter, Elon Musk said, "Thank you. A thermonuclear name & shame is exactly what will happen if this continues."

Twitter user raises voice against deserting advertisers
Mike Davis, a user on Twitter said, "Dear @elonmusk: You have nearly 114,000,000 Twitter followers. Name and shame the advertisers who are succumbing to the advertiser boycotts. So we can counter-boycott them. And get your USD 8 monthly subscription going asap. So we can start to makeup for lost revenue now."

Activist group responsible: Elon Musk
In a series of tweets, Tesla CEO has blamed "activist groups pressuring advertisers" for a "massive drop in revenue" as the company engages in mass layoffs.

Nothing changed still Twitter made a target: Elon Musk
"Twitter had a massive drop in revenue, due to activist groups pressuring advertisers, even though nothing has changed with content moderation and we did everything we could to appease the activists. Extremely messed up! They're trying to destroy free speech in America," he further tweeted.

Mass layoffs a necessity: Musk
To defend his decision over mass layoff, Elon Musk said that Twitter was losing more than USD 4 million per day and that impacted the employees who were given severance packages. Taking to Twitter, Elon Musk said, "Regarding Twitter's reduction in force, unfortunately, there is no choice when the company is losing over USD 4M/day. Everyone exited was offered three months of severence, which is 50% more than legally required.

(With ANI inputs)

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