Donald Trump Legal Storm: After porn star, former playboy model ‪Karen McDougal‬ files a lawsuit

Speed News Desk 21 March 2018, 11:52 IST

Donald Trump Legal Storm: After porn star, former playboy model ‪Karen McDougal‬ files a lawsuit

On Tuesday, A New York State judge has given a green signal to a defamation suit filed against the US President, Donald Trump.

Summer Zervos

This lawsuit was filled by Summer Zervos, one of the contestants in an American reality television program, The Apprentice in the year 2005. she had accused Trump of making unwanted sexual advances toward her in January 2017.

In a press conference that was held back in 2017, she shared that Trump had tried to seduce her at the Beverly Hills Hotel in 2007, kissing her on the mouth without her consent and pressing himself against her. 

Finally, her part of the story would be heard as the judge has allowed the lawyers to begin collecting evidence to support her claim.

This development in Zervos case followed, a lawsuit by an American model and actress popularly known for her appearance in Playboy magazine, Karen McDougal. On Wednesday, she has sued the publishers of the National Enquirer to let her speak out the story of her 10-month affair with Trump.  

Trump with Karen McDougal

During the same time when these two sexual accusation charges have come to the forefront, there is already one political and legal turmoil, the US president is going through. Recently, there have been reports of his alleged affair with the porn star Stormy Daniels and his lawyers Michael Cohen effort to buy her silence.

Trump with Stormy Daniels

All the above-mentioned women are now coming out in public and speaking out their story. Interview of Playboy model, Karen McDougalis scheduled on Thursday to Anderson Cooper. There is an interview scheduled on Sunday with a former porn star, Daniels on '60 Minutes' show.

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