“Don’t let him board the flight! She’s here! She’s here!”, says doctor to soldier seeing his child's birth through phone

Speed News Desk 12 May 2018, 14:39 IST

“Don’t let him board the flight! She’s here! She’s here!”, says doctor to soldier seeing his child's birth through phone

Soldier go through a very difficult time during their service. There are a lot of occasions when they miss important family celebrations. But when it comes to a special occasion like childbirth, they cannot hold their emotions for long. Similar was the condition of a military man from Mississippi Brooks Lindsey. 

Usually, soldiers aren't allowed to go back home even for their child's birth. They are only allowed to go in case of complicated labour pain. Lindsey wife was expecting and he thought he won't be able to go back home to see his wife and baby. But, when he received a call from his wife Haley everything changed for him. 

Brooks Lindsey with wife Haley

His wife Haley called and said, "I received a call from my doctor that my pressures were too high, and the baby was being stressed and I was preeclamptic," She also added that the doctor has advised reaching the hospital within an hour so that the labour can be induced.

Lindsey immediately took permission from his seniors and tried booking a flight. But, he could only get a flight for the next morning. Haley said, "I was sure that we would already have a baby by then!"

Brooks Lindsey waiting at the airport

While his flight was delayed, he managed to see the childbirth through his phone. He said, "Doctor asked my mother to pull the phone out and show me what was going on," He also added that he watched till it was over and doctor shouted “Don’t let him board the flight! She’s here! She’s here!”.


Brooks finally arrived to meet his daughter and had the chance to spend 4 days with his family.

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