Uttar Pradesh: 'History-sheeter' fires at police in Ghaziabad, one injured

News Agencies 24 June 2022, 6:18 IST

Uttar Pradesh: 'History-sheeter' fires at police in Ghaziabad, one injured

Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh): A person got injured during cross-firing with the police in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad district on Thursday night. Police informed that a suspected vehicle tried to drive away when they were stopping them during regular checking by Loni cops in Ghaziabad.

"During regular checking by Loni Police, Ghaziabad, a suspected vehicle tried to drive away when police tried to stop them. After police chased the vehicle, a person namely Ravi fired at police and got injured during cross-firing," Loni CO Rajneesh Kumar Upadhiyai told media persons.

The primary investigation revealed that the injured person is a "history-sheeter". Police have also recovered an illegal gun from his possession.

"Upon primary investigation, we found out that the person, Ravi, is a history-sheeter. An illegal gun was recovered from him, we are trying to find the vehicle," Loni CO added. Further investigation is underway.